3 Reasons You Could Be Turned Down For A Home Loan Even With Excellent Credit

Posted on: 29 June 2017
According to Experian, an excellent credit score is any number over 800. If you are making plans to buy a new home and check your score to find that you do indeed have an excellent score, you might assume that getting a home loan will be a walk in the park. However, your credit score is not the only thing mortgage lenders consider when they approve an individual for a home loan.
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3 Things That Can Improve Your Chances Of Getting Approved For A Car Loan When You Have Bad Credit

Posted on: 31 May 2017
If you have bad credit and are driving an old beater car that has seen better days, you may be wondering how you'll be able to afford another vehicle when your old car reaches the end of the road. It's important to be proactive now so you can be prepared for the inevitable. Here are a few things to do. Don't apply for car financing until you are ready You may be wondering how difficult it would be to get approved for car financing, which could tempt you into applying now just to see if you would be approved.
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3 Things You Will Be Asked To Show A Mortgage Lender When Applying For A Home Loan

Posted on: 26 May 2017
If you are considering buying a house, you are probably wondering what you will need to have ready for the lender. There are many things that the lender will need to prove income, show your financial history, and determine if you are a good risk. Here are some things that you should have ready. 1. Your Credit Report One of the most important things the bank or mortgage broker will look at is your credit report.
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Have A Personal Injury Case? Two Reasons Why You Need An Attorney

Posted on: 17 May 2017
Filing a lawsuit because you were injured as a result of the negligence of another party can be a difficult thing. While you may have seen television shows or movies that made it seem like a personal injury claim was a piece of cake, it's not always that simple. If you choose to represent yourself, you may be missing out on some incredible benefits and protections.  That's why it's so valuable for you to hire an attorney.
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