3 Things You Shouldn't Do When Out On Bail
If you've been arrested, the court will set a bail amount for you. Once you pay that amount, you'll be free to leave the jail until your court date. If you can't afford to pay bail on your own, and you don't have anyone willing to post bail for you, you can hire a bail bondsman. A bail bond is a loan given for a small fee, and usually, you will have to give the bail bondsman some kind of collateral to assure you'll show up in court.
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Refinancing Your Home? Familiarize Yourself With These 4 Terms
If you are planning on refinancing your home, and you don't know much about mortgages, the whole process can feel very overwhelming to you. Your loan officer may start throwing around some terms that you are unfamiliar with, which can have you reaching for your phone and searching for the answers to what they're talking about. Here are some common terms you'll need to know for your home refinance. LTV Ratio
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Whereabouts Unknown: What Happens When Someone Skips Bail
If you're thinking about taking on a bail bond, then chances are someone you know needs it. For friends, family, and loved ones who can't afford the full amount of their bail upfront, a bail bond gives them the ability to post bail and remain free until their trial date. The catch is that you're ultimately responsible for them keeping their word. So what happens when said person decides to skip bail?
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Financing Your Home Purchase
Financing a home is often one of the most complicated financial transactions that a person will make. However, those that are informed about this process will be in a better position for getting the best possible deal when taking out a mortgage to buy a home. Understand The Benefits Of A Large Down Payment It is common for those that are buying a home to want to make the smallest down payment possible.
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3 Things To Expect When Buying A House With Bad Credit
Professionals might advise you to wait until your credit is in good shape before you choose to buy a home. Unfortunately, life can't always wait. If you're having trouble finding a rental that suits your needs, or if you otherwise want or need to buy a home, you could be hoping that you can find home loans even with bad credit. It's not impossible, but there are some things that you should expect:
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Self Employed? Need A Mortgage? Be Prepared To Meet High Standards
If you are a self-employed and are ready to purchase a home, don't assume that you can't get a mortgage. You should still be able to get a mortgage; the process may just look a little different for you than for someone with a traditional job. #1 Check Your Tax Returns When you have a traditional job, the mortgage lending service will ask to see anywhere from six months to a year's worth of your pay stubs to establish that you are making a regular income.
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Where Should You Sell Your Jewelry?
Jewelry can be a quick and convenient source of cash when you really need it. There's always a good market for good-quality used jewelry if it consists of precious metals or gemstones. You'll never lack a number of people who are interested in taking the item off your hands. The challenge in trying to sell your used jewelry is finding somebody who is willing to buy at a fair price. There is also a safety factor involved due to the value of the item.
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3 Ways To Make Working With A Bail Bondsman More Affordable
As you probably already know, working with a bail bondsman can make getting a loved one out of jail more affordable. However, you could still be concerned about the cost. These are a few ways that you can make working with a bail bondsman more affordable. 1. Avoid Using a Credit Card For one thing, it can be tempting to get someone out of jail with your credit card. Also, many bail bondsmen actually accept credit cards now, even though many did not accept them in the past.
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Can You Keep Your Car When You Get A Vehicle Title Loan?
While vehicle title loans are one of the best ways to get a lot of cash, very quickly, many people hesitate to apply for them because they're worried about losing their vehicle. If you're wondering about whether you can get the cash you need while still keeping your vehicle, read on to learn more. Can You Get the Cash But Keep Your Car? In most cases, the answer is yes: you can keep your car while you have a title loan.
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